Just recently, my team has just completed another major milestone for project 400.
Before this, my initial thoughts were that I was ready to take on the animation industry. Well, I was wrong, I still have a lot to learn. I never knew that the pipeline was more complicated than I actually expected, and things will never go the way as just planning it on the first week.

Life is a learning journey, and I do feel being a producer is really tough, but I'm slowly learning a lot about this role in the team. The producer may not be being superb at concept or modelling, neither is it about being able to just plan schedule. The important thing about being a producer is communicating, and not just to the lecturers/clietns, but also your fellow colleagues. Sometimes one can be naggy, but you just have to make sure everyone is sure about their roles, yet not be too hard on them about it. The producer cannot be the guy assigned to do all major tasks, but he cannot be the one do little contribution in terms of art content either. There is that... importance of leading, and making sure everyone is talking to each other, and not individualistically.

Honestly, at times I'm just lost. I don't really know who I can talk to about the role of a producer. Maybe because I feel that no one really understand the job of the producer unless one has actually been one before. Sometimes I want to help out but I know it's beyond my control, and other times I just want to give up on some milestone and go my own way. But I've come to realise... I can't make everyone happy. I can't make everyone satisfied. Should I have been firm on my stand? or should I try to compromise? I really don't know... but I have to trust my own judgement and move on.
I admit, this semester has been life-changing, and it hasn't even ended yet! It has been very transformative, that I feel like I have matured not only as a better artist, but as a better person. I hope in time, I will be able to lead the team better and make strong and better decisions too. I am really thankful that I have a cooperative team and I hope we will strive on to work as one! :)